Frank Williams
The inaugural recipient of this 2022 award was El Dorado, Kansas native Frank Williams.
Frank first met the Larson family during a flight from Houston where Celine would be undergoing cancer treatment. Through a series of events, Celine and Frank sat next to each other on the plane and an immediate friendship was formed. From that time on, Frank became a living guardian angel to the Larsons, always a phone call away to answer the multitude of medical questions the couple faced at all hours of the day and night as well as a source of emotional support through each phase of Celine’s battle with cancer. The Larsons would forever be thankful for the guidance he provided them, as well as his act of love for the family in driving over 300 miles to see Celine before her passing.

Frank continues to impact those around him in his service as EMS Chief of Butler County Emergency Medical Services and Program Director of LifeSave Transport, a critical care ambulance service that safely provides rapid access for critically ill or injured patients to tertiary care.
In addition to an engraved ten-inch tower award given to Frank Williams, the Hop for Heroes foundation also awarded him a check for $2,500.
We look forward to updating the list of award recipients each year and continuing to honor Celine’s legacy.