There are only two ways to influence human behavior: You can manipulate it or you can inspire it, states Simon Sinek. So, it’s manipulation vs. inspiration, those are the two choices. Fear, real or perceived, is arguably the most powerful manipulation of all. When fear is employed, facts are incidental. Deeply seated in our biological drive to survive, that emotion cannot be quickly wiped away with facts and figures.
If fear motivates us to move away from something destructive, inspiration and aspiration tempt us towards something much more favorable and desirable. Leaders who choose to inspire rather than manipulate in order to motivate people are golden. This ability demonstrates how successful leaders are able to inspire action instead of manipulating people to act.
Inspiring leaders understand the concept of being firm, but fair. They think, act, and communicate exactly the same way. Issues need to be addressed, problems need to be corrected, but in a solid, straightforward, and honest way. Not by using fear (manipulation), but rather in a way that the subject is addressed and both parties walk away with a mutual understanding, and most importantly, inspired. Don’t fool yourself, manipulation sometimes works in the short term, but no lasting organization can survive in the long term, it always catches up with you. There is compelling evidence that inspiration wins every time.
So we are back to manipulation vs. inspiration…
“Manipulation thrives in an environment of uncertainty and fear.”
-Brene Brown
The manipulators power lies in their ability to exploit vulnerability and manipulate emotions.”
-Robert Hare
“There is a real magic in enthusiasm. It spells the difference between mediocrity and accomplishment.”
-Norman Vincent Peale
“Good leadership requires you to surround yourself with people of diverse perspectives who can disagree with you without fear of retaliation.”
-Doris Kearns Goodwin
“Everyone wants to be appreciated, so if you appreciate someone, don’t keep it a secret.”
-Mary Kay Ash
“Always treat your employees exactly as you would want them to treat your best customer.”
-Stephen R. Covey