by Website Manager | Jul 30, 2023 | Quotes and Antidotes
All powerful companies, ideas, products, and people are omnipresent. This is the kind of mind-set from which you must operate – to make yourself (your company) available everywhere. The goal is to make people see you and/or your company, so often that they think of...
by Website Manager | Jul 22, 2023 | Quotes and Antidotes
To really understand, manage, maximize, and squeeze every opportunity out of the time you have – you must fully understand and appreciate how much of it is available to you. You must take control of your time. If you listen to people discussing the topic of time...
by Website Manager | Jul 15, 2023 | Quotes and Antidotes
You must pay attention to what has your attention. This is much easier said than done. In just the span of the last several minutes, I’ll bet your mind has wondered and thought about several other things. The first step to being more productive is paying attention to...
by Website Manager | Jul 8, 2023 | Quotes and Antidotes
The need to having a purpose goes beyond personal happiness and fulfillment. It often involves serving others, finding and utilizing your unique talents, and having a positive impact on others around you. Finding purpose is a personal journey – it involves...
by Website Manager | Jul 1, 2023 | Quotes and Antidotes
“The universe doesn’t give you what you ask for with your thoughts; it gives you what you demand with your actions.” -Dr. Steve Maraboli Too many of us are looking for the secret shortcut, and unfortunately in almost every instance, there is no shortcut. The more...
by Website Manager | Jun 25, 2023 | Quotes and Antidotes
“Fear is inevitable, but it should never be a stopping point.” -Jeff Bezos “Fear is an insidious virus. Given a breeding place in our minds, it will permeate the whole body of our work; it will eat away at our spirit and block the forward path of our endeavors. Fear...