Trust How important is it?

Trust How important is it?

“Without trust we don’t truly collaborate; we merely coordinate or, at best, cooperate. It is trust that transforms a group of people into a team.” -Stephen Covey In business, as in life, trust is elemental. We all cherish it. Most of us think we deserve it. Few of us...
Which Mood?

Which Mood?

We often talk about being in a good or bad “state” of mind. What we’re referring to is our mood and how we are feeling at that time. Most people see themselves as being at the mercy of external influences. Thus, if we’re having a good day, it means things “out there”...


A habit is a behavior that has been repeated enough times to become automatic. The process of habit formation begins with trial and error. Whenever you encounter a new situation in life, your brain must make a decision. The habit-forming process now begins. Try, fail,...
Motivation Manifesto Part Six

Motivation Manifesto Part Six

1. We Shall Meet Life With Full Presence and Power. 2. We Shall Reclaim Our Agenda. 3. We Shall Defeat Our Demons. 4. We Shall Advance With Abandon. 5. We Shall Practice Joy And Gratitude. 6. We Shall Not Break Our Integrity. 7. We Shall Inspire Greatness. 8. We Shall...
Be Curious

Be Curious

“Curiosity is the beginning of wisdom.” -Francoise Sagan “No one is dumb who is curious. The people who don’t ask questions remain clueless throughout their lives.” -Neil deGrasse Tyson “Curiosity is one of the most important permanent and certain characteristics of a...

Weekly Farm News

Sergio’s crew hard at work cleaning the fuelling station pad