Ego is the enemy Part 3

Ego is the enemy Part 3

Thoughts from Ryan Holiday: Appearances are deceiving. Having authority is not the same as being an authority. Having the right and being right are not the same either. Impressing people is utterly different from being truly impressive. You can’t learn if you think...
Ego is the enemy Part 3

Ego is the enemy Part 2

Thoughts from Ryan Holiday’s book on Ego: One might say that the ability to evaluate one’s own ability is the most important skill of all. Without it, improvement is impossible. And certainly ego makes it difficult every step of the way. It is certainly more...
Ego is the enemy Part 3

Ego is the enemy Part 1

Ego; An unhealthy belief in our own importance. Arrogance. Self-centered ambition. It’s that petulant child inside every person, the one that chooses getting his way or her way over anything or anyone else. The need to be better than, more than, recognized for, far...
Be Ambitious

Be Ambitious

“A man’s worth is no greater than the worth of his ambitions.” -Marcus Aurelius Ambition is the most important tool to achieve success, overriding both talent and resources by far. An ambitious attitude can lead anyone to triumph and satisfaction, regardless of what...
Servant Leadership

Servant Leadership

It’s been said for a thousand years: Give and you shall receive. That is the essence of servant leadership. Character:  You serve your team with credibility, integrity, and the core values that they expect. Learning:  You serve your team by being a student, by setting...
What’s Your Limitation?

What’s Your Limitation?

“Believe in your infinite potential. Your only limitations are those you set upon yourself.” -Roy T. Bennett “Most people are not really free. They are confined by the niche in the world that they carve out for themselves. They limit themselves to fewer possibilities...

Weekly Farm News

Sergio’s crew hard at work cleaning the fuelling station pad